Steps to SEO

Steps to SEO chart
SEO site checkup
Find out your website’s SEO status – if it’s been optimised (and how well), your website’s trust score, speed score, and if you are ranking for the main phrases. What score does Google give your site?
Keyword strategy
Discover what your competitors are up to. Determine which keywords your customers are using to search. Which words are achievable now and which will you come back to later? What is your baseline score? Our seo consultant will work out which pages to optimise and what tactics to prioritise.
SEO Strategy
Get a custom plan outlining your SEO priorities for each quarter.
Discover the stages & steps in onsite and offsite optimisation, milestones, and timeframes. Find out if you have matching pages for the keywords and if your website is set up to measure results, or if new pages or content edits are required.
Implementation sales effort with affordable automation
We’ll set up tags and goals so success is tracked. Your website gets tuned, while we help Google understand what words to display your website for.  Learn about SEO issues affecting your site while we work to resolve them. Watch as your position and traffic build.
Uncover which words your competitors rank on and what they’ve done to get there.
Track where you are ranking, how your visibility is improving and what real results can be attributed to search.
Performance actions : Having good ranking and traffic is no good if it isn’t increasing sales and enquiries.  What design and content tweaks will turn more visitors into customers? At what point are visitors leaving? Stem the flow with web improvement sometimes also called Conversion Rate Optimisation.